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Napoli Pizza Grill



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Napoli Pizza Grill(圖1)-速報App

About Us

Napoli Pizza Grill- located in Risley Square, Galloway Township.

Originally from a small town near Naples, Salvatore and Maria are the owners of Napoli Pizza and Grill. The family has been in the restaurant business for about 30 years. When they first moved from Naples, they started opening up numerous pizzerias and restaurant businesses in Central Jersey.

Napoli Pizza Grill(圖2)-速報App

About 4 years ago, they decided to come to shore and expand their family food specialties and traditions. According to Salvatore and Maria, Galloway was the perfect shore-home location.

The menu is very flexible because everything is freshly made to order; therefore it accommodates what their customers want.

Napoli Pizza Grill is a true family operated business, and that is the difference!Offering great food at great prices to the Galloway and Absecon area. HOME OF THE OLD FASHIONED TOMATO PIE!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad